
Abstra is a platform that helps businesses automate and scale their processes using Python and AI. With Abstra, you can build powerful workflows, create dynamic forms, and integrate with any data source, service, or system. Abstra is production-ready, lock-in free, and fully auditable.

Added on: Jun 7, 2024
  • Workflow Automation
  • Business Process Automation
  • AI-powered Workflow
  • Python Automation
  • No-code Workflow
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Abstra Introduction

What is Abstra?

Abstra is a platform that empowers businesses to streamline and scale their operations using the power of Python and AI. It goes beyond basic task automation, enabling you to manage entire processes with complete transparency. With Abstra, you can build powerful workflows, create dynamic forms, and integrate with various data sources and services. Abstra simplifies the development process, allowing you to create production-ready solutions quickly and efficiently. It offers features like AI-powered coding assistance, lock-in-free design, and full auditability, ensuring control and flexibility throughout the process.

How to use Abstra?

To use Abstra, you begin by creating workflows. These workflows are defined using Python code and are designed to automate tasks and processes. You can connect different steps within the workflow, such as sending emails, integrating with external APIs, and processing data. Abstra provides a visual interface for building these workflows, making it accessible to users with varying technical expertise. Once your workflow is built, you can deploy it with a single click, making it immediately available to your team. You can also share your workflows with others, enabling collaboration and efficient knowledge sharing within your organization.

Abstra Features

Python-based Workflows

Abstra leverages the power of Python for building robust and customizable workflows. Users can leverage their existing Python knowledge or learn new skills to create complex and efficient automation solutions.

AI-powered Features

Abstra incorporates AI capabilities to assist users in building their workflows. This includes features like code suggestions, automated task identification, and intelligent workflow optimization.

Production-ready Deployments

Abstra simplifies the deployment process, allowing users to quickly deploy their workflows to a production-ready environment with a single click. This eliminates the need for complex infrastructure setups and ensures immediate availability of automated solutions.

Lock-in Free

Abstra's design philosophy prioritizes flexibility and user control. It is lock-in free, meaning users can export their workflows and code, ensuring independence from the platform.

Fully Auditable

Abstra provides complete transparency and auditability of all workflows. Users can track every action, modification, and interaction within their workflows, ensuring accountability and compliance.

Smart Forms

Abstra enables the creation of dynamic and responsive forms that support custom logic and integrations. These forms are ideal for sequential processes and provide a user-friendly interface for data collection and interaction.

Deploy and Host

Abstra offers seamless deployment and hosting capabilities. With a single click, users can deploy their workflows to a production-ready URL, making them accessible to their team or the wider public. The platform provides transparent and scalable hosting, ensuring reliability and scalability.


Abstra's Connectors enable easy integration with various data sources, services, and systems, including databases, internal APIs, and external services. This allows users to build workflows that connect different parts of their business and automate data exchange.


Abstra features its own relational database, Tables, which allows users to create and manage PostgreSQL tables visually. Users can store and query data directly from their projects, facilitating secure and efficient data management within the platform.

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