
Comigo is an AI-powered mental wellness and productivity app designed specifically for individuals with ADHD. It offers a comprehensive approach, combining therapy, productivity support, and practical advice to help users manage symptoms, develop long-term strategies, and build essential skills. Comigo aims to make mental wellness and productivity support affordable, accessible, and constantly available to everyone with ADHD.

Added on: Jun 7, 2024
  • ADHD Support
  • Mental Wellness
  • Productivity App
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
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Comigo Introduction

What is Comigo?

Comigo is an AI-powered mental wellness and productivity app designed for individuals with ADHD. It combines therapy and productivity support in one platform, offering practical solutions for managing ADHD symptoms and developing long-term strategies.

How to use Comigo?

Comigo provides a personalized approach to support users with ADHD. It utilizes empirically supported therapeutic exercises from CBT, DBT, and ACT, alongside executive functioning strategies. The app offers features like intelligent task planning, executive function coaching, and mental wellbeing exercises designed to help users manage thoughts, feelings, and behaviors effectively.

Comigo Features

Manage with Comigo

Keep on course to meet your objectives with features that help you organize, prioritize, and stay on top of your daily and long-term goals.

Learn with Comigo

Comigo learns with you, developing a deep understanding of the way you work best and tailoring advice, therapies, and activities to your unique needs.

Unwind with Comigo

Support your mental wellbeing with exercises designed to alleviate mental burden and give you space to breathe.

Build with Comigo

Develop long-term strategies and build a toolkit to help you thrive now and in the future.

Grow with Comigo

Accelerate your personal growth. Working in the background to support your personal growth, Comigo identifies challenges and areas for improvement and proactively helps you address them.

Intelligent Task Planning

Prioritize, get time estimates based on your activity, and break down tasks into smaller more manageable chunks.

Work through your todos

Work through your todos by focusing on one task at a time with the next task automatically served up upon completion.

Planning to go to college in a year?

Break down long-term goals into checklists of tasks spread over time and always have them in sight.

Explore, understand, and work through difficult feelings and thoughts

Explore, understand, and work through difficult feelings and thoughts with empirically supported behavioral therapies, including CBT, DBT, and ACT.

Executive Function Coaching

Invigorate day-to-day organization, planning, and regulation with Comigo as your executive function coach.

Stay informed of personal progress

Comigo grows with you, providing feedback on your productivity, habits, and health behaviors.

Comigo Pricing

Free Trial Plan

All Comigo subscriptions start with a free 7-day trial. You can cancel your plan at any time and receive a refund for the difference already paid.