
Headbot is an AI-powered service that lets you create personalized, buff portraits of yourself. Upload a photo and Headbot will generate a variety of ripped versions, perfect for impressing your friends or as a gag gift. Your uploads are deleted within 24 hours.

Added on: Jun 8, 2024
  • AI art generator
  • photo editing
  • entertainment
  • humor
  • portrait
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Headbot Introduction

What is Headbot?

Headbot is an online service that uses AI to generate buff portraits of you. You can upload a photo, and the AI will create a variety of muscular versions of you. These portraits are perfect for sharing with friends as a joke or for simply having a laugh.

How to use Headbot?

To use Headbot, simply upload a photo of yourself. Headbot will then process your photo and generate a variety of buff portraits. You can then download these portraits and share them with your friends. Headbot is easy to use, and it's completely free.

Headbot Features

Personalized Portraits

Headbot uses your photo to generate unique, customized buff versions of yourself.

High Quality

All portraits are generated in 4K resolution for crisp, detailed results.

Fun & Entertaining

Headbot is a great way to create funny or impressive portraits to share with friends and family.


Your uploaded photos are deleted within 24 hours to ensure your privacy.

Headbot Pricing