
LemonSpeak is an automated content creation tool specifically designed for podcast marketing. It helps podcasters save time and effort by creating various content assets such as transcripts, summaries, blog posts, show notes, and social media posts, all based on your podcast episodes. By leveraging LemonSpeak, you can enhance your podcast's discoverability, reach a wider audience, and improve engagement.

Added on: Jun 7, 2024
  • Podcast Marketing
  • Content Creation
  • SEO
  • Social Media
  • Transcription
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LemonSpeak Introduction

What is LemonSpeak?

LemonSpeak is an automated content creation tool designed to generate various marketing materials for podcasts, including transcripts, summaries, blog posts, show notes, and social media content. It helps podcasters reach a wider audience, improve their SEO, and increase engagement with their listeners.

How to use LemonSpeak?

To use LemonSpeak, simply upload your podcast episode as an MP3 file, specify the language, title, and guests. The tool will then process the audio and create the various content assets. You can then share these assets across your social media channels, blog, and website to promote your podcast.

LemonSpeak Features


Your episode turned into text. Ideal as the basis for blog posts, show notes or to make content accessible to all listeners, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing, non-native speakers or prefer to read. VTT included.

Speaker Diarization

LemonSpeak perfects your transcript by labelling different speakers. This improves listener comprehension and simplifies editing and reviewing by clearly marking who said what and when.


LemonSpeak creates a podcast summary that is perfect for show notes or as an episode description on your website. It helps you attract a wider audience by making your content more shareable.

Podcast Show Notes

LemonSpeak creates show notes for you that include highlights, a brief synopsis, guest bios, a clear CTA to tune in to your episode, and more.

Episode Titles

Episode titles are often neglected, even though they add a lot of value. Not just for SEO, but also for users. A strong episode title will help you attract potential listeners and get search engines to index your podcast. If a user is not sure what the episode is about, they will not tune in.

Blog Post

Social media and SEO are difficult and time consuming. LemonSpeak generates a whole article about your episode for you to post. To make it sound like you, your style is imitated. Use it for your blog on your website or on Medium, Substack or Beehiiv.

Tweet it. X it.

LemonSpeak creates short tweet-like messages that you can post to X, Bluesky, Threads, Mastodon or Instagram. There are no limits to what you can do with it. In addition, LemonSpeak creates "throwback" tweets that promote your episodes from a future point of view.

Q&A + Polls

Add open-ended questions and polls to your episode on Spotify. These will appear to your listeners, allowing them to engage directly with your podcast. This gives you insight and feedback to help you improve future episodes based on your audience's interests and preferences.


Add chapters to your podcast episodes so listeners can jump to a specific part of your episode. Podcast chapters add professionalism to your podcast and can increase engagement with both your existing listeners and potential new listeners.


We've all stumbled across quotes on the Internet, and they've always caught our attention - because we know they're real. That's their superpower. So quotes can really grab attention wherever you want to place them.

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