Manga Translator

Manga Translator is a free Chrome extension that allows you to translate manga, manhua, and comics into over 135 languages. It supports both vertical and horizontal text, uploading manga for translation, and has a fast translation speed. Manga Translator is currently available on the market and is continuously updated.

Added on: Jun 7, 2024
  • Manga Translation
  • Chrome Extension
  • Language Translation
  • AI-Powered
  • Comics
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Manga Translator Introduction

What is Manga Translator?

Manga Translator is a Chrome browser extension that allows you to quickly translate the text inside speech bubbles in manga.

How to use Manga Translator?

Manga Translator is a Chrome extension that translates text inside manga speech bubbles. You can upload manga for translation or use it directly on manga websites.

Manga Translator Features

Language Support

Supports over 135 languages, including Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, French, Vietnamese, and more.

Vertical and Horizontal Text Support

Supports translating both vertical and horizontal text in manga speech bubbles.

Manga Uploading

Allows users to upload manga for translation.

Fast Translation Speed

Provides fast and accurate translations.

Website Support

Supports mainstream manga websites and is continuously updated.

User-Friendly Interface

Simple and user-friendly interface for easy navigation.

Manga Translator Pricing

Free Plan Plan

Registered users have a certain number of free translations for manga, manhua, and comics.

Paid Plan Plan

Paid plans offer unlimited translations. Paid plans help support the development and maintenance of the product.