
MiniAI is a website that verifies you are not a robot. It is a simple and effective way to ensure that only human users can access your website or app.

Added on: Jun 7, 2024
  • Security
  • Bot Detection
  • Website Protection
  • Anti-Spam
  • AI
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MiniAI Introduction

What is MiniAI?

MiniAI is a bot verification system designed to prevent automated bots from accessing your website or app. It does this by presenting a simple challenge that only human users can solve.

How to use MiniAI?

MiniAI works by presenting a challenge to the user, such as selecting images or solving a simple puzzle. If the user passes the challenge, they are verified as a human and are allowed access. If they fail the challenge, they are likely a bot and are blocked.

MiniAI Features

Simple and Easy to Use

MiniAI is easy to integrate into your website or app and requires no complex configuration.

Effective Bot Detection

MiniAI is highly effective at detecting and blocking automated bots, ensuring that only human users can access your website or app.

Customizable Challenges

MiniAI allows you to customize the challenges that are presented to users, making it more difficult for bots to bypass.

Secure and Reliable

MiniAI is built on a secure and reliable platform that protects your website or app from bots and other malicious activity.

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