
ProfilbildPro is a service that uses AI to generate professional profile pictures for LinkedIn, Xing, and job applications. It offers a range of packages with different prices and features, allowing users to create high-quality images from their own selfies within 24 hours.

Added on: Jun 8, 2024
  • AI-powered profile pictures
  • Job application photos
  • LinkedIn profile photos
  • Xing profile photos
  • Professional headshots
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ProfilbildPro Introduction

What is ProfilbildPro?

ProfilbildPro is an online service that utilizes AI to create professional profile pictures for job applications, LinkedIn, and Xing. Users upload their selfies, and the AI generates realistic and professional photos within 24 hours. It allows users to choose from a variety of backgrounds and styles.

How to use ProfilbildPro?

To use ProfilbildPro, users need to upload 15 selfies through their browser. The AI analyzes the photos and generates up to 100 professional profile pictures within 24 hours. Users can then choose their preferred photos and download them.

ProfilbildPro Features

Realistic and Professional Photos

Utilizes advanced AI technology (SDXL 2023) to create realistic and professional photos.

Premium Resolution

Offers up to 100 photos in premium resolution.

Various Styles

Provides 9 different styles to choose from.

Diverse Backgrounds

Includes a wide variety of backgrounds, both indoor and outdoor.

Fast Delivery

Generates photos within 24 hours of uploading selfies.

Affordable Pricing

Offers different price plans to fit various budgets and needs.

Easy to Use

Simple and user-friendly interface for uploading selfies and selecting final photos.

Great for Job Applications

Provides professional photos for improving job application chances.

Perfect for Social Media

Offers high-quality photos for LinkedIn, Xing, and other social media platforms.

ProfilbildPro Pricing

Standard Plan

€24.90, 1 Euro per photo, 24 photos to choose from (2-4 incredibly realistic and professional pictures), 3 different backgrounds (white wall, gray, and black-and-white) in studio, finished in 24 hours, perfect for a job application

Advanced Plan

€34.90, 70 cents per photo, 50 photos to choose from (3-6 incredibly realistic and professional pictures), 6 different backgrounds (including studio, office, library, and window backgrounds, plus the backgrounds from the Standard package), finished in 24 hours, perfect for a job application and LinkedIn/Xing profile picture

Premium Plan

€49.90, 50 cents per photo, 100 photos to choose from (5-10 incredibly realistic and professional pictures), 9 different backgrounds (including outdoor, park, street, and skyscraper backgrounds, plus the backgrounds from the Advanced and Standard packages), finished in 24 hours, ideal for a professional appearance on all platforms and social media