
WikeAI is an all-in-one generative AI platform that integrates top models like GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude3, Mistral, and Llama3, offering a comprehensive solution for content creation, writing assistance, and more. It provides various features, including AI content generation, language models, AI painting, and more, all accessible through a single platform.

Added on: Jun 7, 2024
  • AI Platform
  • Generative AI
  • Content Creation
  • Language Model
  • AI Writing Assistant
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WikeAI Introduction

What is WikeAI?

WikeAI is an all-in-one Generative AI platform integrating top models like GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude3, Mistral, and Llama3. It offers a comprehensive solution for content creation, writing assistance, and more. You can access various features such as AI content generation, language models, AI painting, and more through a single platform.

How to use WikeAI?

To use WikeAI, you can select a content model from the available list and provide a prompt or description of the content you wish to generate. WikeAI will then generate the content for you. You can also utilize the various AI-powered features, such as AI painting, by selecting the desired tool and providing the necessary input.

WikeAI Features

Content Generation

WikeAI can generate various content formats, including blog articles, product descriptions, social media ads, and more, based on user prompts.

AI Painting

WikeAI offers AI painting capabilities using models like DALL-E and Stable Diffusion, allowing users to create images based on text descriptions.

Language Models

WikeAI integrates various language models, including GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude3, Mistral, and Llama3, providing users with options for different tasks and use cases.

Cross-Model Integration

WikeAI combines the strengths of different models to create unique AI functions, providing a more comprehensive and powerful experience.

Professional-Level Integration

WikeAI utilizes cross-model integration to create unique AI functions by combining the advantages of different models, allowing users to perform deep learning tasks, content creation, and data analysis.

WikeAI Pricing

Low Usage Plan

10M Tokens, suitable for casual experience

Basic Plan Plan

≈ 7,500,000 Words, Low Usage, Always available, Any model available, 24 hours customer service support

Standard Plan

20M Tokens, Tailored for most users

Standard Plan Plan

≈ 15,000,000 Words, Moderate experience, Always available, Any model available, 24 hours customer service support

Hot Plan

60M Tokens, Ideal for writers and language lovers

Premium Plan Plan

≈ 45,000,000 Words, High Usage, Always available, Any model available, 24 hours customer service support

As you wish Plan

100M Tokens, Empowering language creators

Elite Plan Plan

≈ 75,000,000 Words, High Usage, Always available, Any model available, 24 hours customer service support